Good workers don't blame tools, so don't blame software for wage theft

Good workers don't blame tools, so don't blame software for wage theft

As some of Australia’s largest employers reel from the underpayment scandal that has run riot in recent weeks, some have been quick to blame the software they decided to purchase.

The adage of "a good craftsman never blames his tools" comes to mind here. Businesses shouldn’t blame the software they’re using if they’ve failed to get their own processes in place or if they haven’t configured them to manage their varying enterprise agreements. The level of inefficiency in many businesses can be truly shocking.

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HRM Asia: Engagement: Don’t let it start and finish with a survey

HRM Asia: Engagement: Don’t let it start and finish with a survey

Engagement adds value by improving what staff needed improved upon “Engagement is not a tick-box, one-time exercise, it must be continued activity...

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Steadfast: How to automate your business, so you can focus on what you do best?

Steadfast: How to automate your business, so you can focus on what you do best?

Automating the gig economy. “As a general rule, technology used to most benefit large, well-resourced businesses,” observes Jarrod McGrath (McGrath...

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Why a new approach to technology is crucial in IR reform

Why a new approach to technology is crucial in IR reform

Workplace agreements struck up between enterprises, unions and staff rarely take into account the capability of company technology systems to...

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